Привет, друзья! Афиша бара на эту неделю: Понедельник 17:00 - 23:00 | YouTube Day Вторник 17:00 - 23:00 | CS:GO | Eden Arena: Malta Vibes Среда 17:00 - 19:55 | CS:GO | Eden Arena: Malta Vibes 19:30 - 01:00 | Beer Pong Minsk Tournament 19:55 - 22:00 | Football | Shakhtar Donetsk vs Wolfsburg | Europa League 22:00 - 20:00 | Football | Manchester United vs LASK | Europa League Четверг 18:00 - 19:55 | CS:GO | ESEA Premier S33 Finals 19:55 - 22:00 | Football | Sevilla vs Roma | Europa League Пятница 19:00 - 22:00 | League of Legends | LEC 2020 Summer 22:00 - 00:00 | Football | Manchester City vs Real Madrid | Champions League Суббота 16:00 - 17:00 | Formula 1 | 70th Anniversary Grand Prix Qualification 18:00 - 22:00 | League of Legends | LEC 2020 Summer 22:00 - 00:00 | Football | Napoli vs Barcelona | Champions League Воскресенье BAR CLOSED Ждём всех в гости! ;) #backdoorbar #counterstrike #csgo #leagueoflegends #beerpongminsk #football #europaleague #manchesterunitedfc #sevillafc #romafc #championsleague #barcelonafc #napolifc #realmadridfc #manchestercityfc #formula1 #formulaone #70thanniversarygrandprix #parimatchby #vokagaming #барскиберкотлетами Parimatch VOKA Gaming Beer Pong Minsk United Belarus

Теги других блогов: csgo leagueoflegends counterstrike backdoorbar beerpongminsk